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My experience as a new business owner- A lookback at the past 3 months

My new private practice- my second child - Veda Dentistry and Cosmetology is 3 months old now! And yes it can be compared to being a new mom in more than 1 way! :)

1. It keeps you up at night
2. You worry about its health
3. You fuss about the name you are going to give to it.
4. Nothing you do for it seems perfect or enough.. there is always so much more you could do.
5. You keep on looking for ways to help it grow better, nourish it more.
6. It's a hell lot of new responsibilities, which you don't know how to handle.. People keep reassuring you that you are doing a good job and you will learn along the way.

My gratitude to my family, friends and staff who have been ever so encouraging and supportive throughout.


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