WHAT ARE DERMAL FILLERS? Dermal fillers are gels injected beneath the skin’s surface to smooth wrinkles and add volume and contour. HOW DO THEY WORK ? The products are composed of stabilized hyaluronic acid (HA) which occurs naturally in the cells of the skin. It helps hydrate and adds volume to the skin. It is naturally broken down by our own bodies. WHAT DOES THE PROCEDURE ENTAIL ? The procedure is simple and straight-forward, involving a few tiny injections directly into the skin, and takes between 15–30 minutes. HOW SOON WILL THE RESULTS BE SEEN AND HOW LONG WOULD THEY LAST ? Results are seen instantly after the treatment, although this gradually improves over the course of the following 2–4 weeks. Results can last between 9–18 months although results can be maintained over a long period of time through regular repeated treatments. ARE THESE FILLERS SAFE ? In general, dermal fillers are considered very safe. The most common r...